TMMOB’s Chair of Executive Committee, Emin Koramaz, made a press statement on 9 may 2018 on planning remission arrangement in bag law which is on the agenda of the Parliament.
As soon as date of election was determined, political power took steps with respect to elections as it was planned beforehand.
One of these steps is law draft on “planning peace”.
Despite the fact that the Draft which concerns 13 million dwellings, buildings which have a problem of title and planning, including the ones having additional structures without license or constructed as contrary to law, was announced to public opinion as “planning peace”, it is planning remission in reality.
By means of planning remission law draft, in case buildings which were constructed without license or against law before 31.12.2017, apply before 31.12.2018 will be given Construction Registration Document by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. Thus unlicensed constructions having this document will be able to have habitation permit and get electricity, gas and water services. Furthermore, decisions of destruction and administrational fines will be canceled.
The draft proposes that real estates constructed on real estates belonged to the public treasury to be transferred to Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, that these real estates to be sold from current value directly by the Ministry in case of request coming from the ones having Construction Registration Document.
In our country, as a result of neoliberal economy policies, beginning from 1950 uncontrollable and dense migration towards urban areas brought illegal housing on areas belonged to public treasury and then expanded towards agricultural areas, coasts, forests, meadows, summer pastures and winter quarters and nature protection zones.
Illegal housing today, is not only a method applied by poor people but also by the ones rent seeking. The primary responsible from this situation is government which has applied urbanization policies showing no respect for society, individuals, and environment; has tried to overcome economic crisis through selling natural sources; has seen planning rules and limitations as an obstacle in front of economic development for 16 years.
During the Republic, planning remissions were published for 14 times. These remissions cause consolidation of perception that illegal applications will be legalized at the end. In our country, still, 60 percent of building stock is illegal.
Government, which is primary responsible from healthy urbanization and safety structuring, denies science and technology and their executives engineers, architectures and urban planners through making administrative and technical issues such as ownership, structure group and class to be based on declaration of landlords. Therefore it ignores safety of life and property.
By means of this draft, buildings which carry earthquake risk due to lack of sufficient engineering service and cause destruction of environment and nature are legitimized via government. Therefore, citizens who follow lawful order are punished while the ones who do not follow the rules are rewarded. However, in our country due to the fact that all the fields are under earthquake risk, there is need for taking serious measurements in front of social and economic lost caused by earthquake.
In the law draft, it is suggested that cost of legalization of illegal buildings which carry earthquake risk will be used for production of buildings having no risk of earthquake. It is obvious that amount which will be collected from approximately 13 million illegal buildings through legalization costing three per cent of prime cost is great. Even this shows that aim is not taking any measurement but getting unearned income from construction sector which is in economic crisis. Political power lays groundwork for opening new zoning areas for partisan construction firms.
As a result of reactions, Istanbul Boğaziçi cost line and foresight field and some areas in Historical Peninsula were excluded from planning remission. However, in our country which is settled in an area that is bedrock of history and culture, there are many protected areas especially in coastal lines which are subjected to illegal housing.
In addition, plans and licenses which were canceled due to cases opened by our Union and chambers will be legalized. This is continuation of “legalizing illegal one” policy which is maintained in political power’s “mastership period”.
We call to government that;
As all our experiences showed that the thing mostly devastates our cities, makes our cities unlivable is planning remission.
As all remissions, this remission as well is brought into agenda due to getting economic gain and vote.
As all remissions, this remission as well damages feeling of social justice and peace, cause people to lose confidence in law and law enforcement personnel.
Do not play your calculations based on election with citizens’ safety of life and property and immediately withdraw this law draft.
Emin Koramaz
TMMOB Chair of Executive Committee